\version "2.12.3" \header { title = "If you're happy and you know it" composer = "" } mainInstrument = #"accordion" clapclapclap = { \set Staff.midiInstrument = #"woodblock" \override NoteHead #'style = #'cross % lilypond.pdf p.26 a8 a8 a4 % r128 a16... a8 a8.... r128 % put a rest between instrument change and note \set Staff.midiInstrument = \mainInstrument \revert NoteHead #'style } melody = \relative g' { \tempo 4 = 120 \clef treble \key a \major \time 4/4 \autoBeamOff \partial 4 \set Staff.midiInstrument = \mainInstrument e8. e16 | a8 a a a a a gis a | b4 \clapclapclap e8. e16 | b'8 b b b b b a b | cis4 \clapclapclap \repeat volta 2 { a8. a16 | d8 d d d fis, fis fis8. d'16 | cis8 cis cis cis e,8 e cis'8. cis16 | b8 b b b a a } \alternative { { b8 b | cis4 \clapclapclap } { gis8 gis | a4 \clapclapclap } } } text = \lyricmode { If you're | hap -- py and you know it, clap your | hands, " " " " " " if you're | hap -- py and you know it, clap your | hands. " " " " " " \repeat volta 2 { If you're | hap -- py and you know it, and you | real -- ly want to show it, if you're | hap -- py and you know it, } \alternative { { clap your | hands. " " " " " " } { clap your | hands. " " " " " " } } } harmonies = \chordmode { \set ChordNames.midiInstrument = #"bass" %orchestral strings" r4 | a1 e:7 e:7 | a2.~ \repeat volta 2 { a4 | d1 | a | e2.:7~ } \alternative { { e4:7 | a2.~ } { e4:7 | a2. } } } music = { << \new ChordNames { \set chordChanges = ##t \harmonies } \new Voice = "one" { \melody } \new Lyrics \lyricsto "one" \text >> } \score { \music \layout { } } \score { \unfoldRepeats \music \midi { } } \markup{ \fill-line{ \column { \line { " " } \hspace #0.1 \line { \bold "2. " \column { "If you're happy and you know it, slap your sides ..." } } \line { " " } \hspace #0.1 \line { \bold "3. " \column { "If you're happy and you know it, stamp your feet ..." } } % \line \line { " " } \hspace #0.1 \line { \bold "4. " \column { "If you're happy and you know it, snap your fingers ..." } } \line { " " } \hspace #0.1 \line { \bold "5. " \column { "If you're happy and you know it, sniff your nose ..." } } \line { " " } \hspace #0.1 \line { \bold "6. " \column { "If you're happy and you know it, shout: \"We are!\" ..." } } \line { " " } \hspace #0.1 \line { \bold "7. " \column { "If you're happy and you know it, do it all ..." } } } % \column } % \fill-line } % \markup